Gliding Disc Core Workout For Weight Loss

gliding discs core workout weight loss

Sit-ups get boring after a while and they aren’t even the best way to target your core. If you want to expand your core exercise library and challenge your abs and obliques in a new way, gliding discs are the way to go. Here are seven gliding disc exercises that you can use for a complete core workout for weight loss.


Before we jump into the instruction, let’s take a look at the gliding disc core workout that you’ll be performing. In the fashion of high intensity interval training, you’ll complete all of the repetitions for each exercise back to back, saving your rest break until the end.

  • Mountain Climbers: 10 (each leg)
  • Spiderman Push-Ups: 6
  • Double Knee Tucks: 10
  • Glute Bridges: 10
  • Twisting Mountains Climbers: 10 (each leg)
  • Pikes: 5
  • Double Arm Extensions and Holds: 5


Once you write down your new core workout, it’ll be important to review the how-to for each exercise.

Mountain Climbers: From a push-up position, place one gliding disc under each foot. Keep the core tight and the hips stable as you move your left foot in towards your chest. Squeeze the abs, slide the left foot back, and immediately bring the right foot up.

Spiderman Push-Ups: From a push-up position, place one gliding disc under each foot. With a tight core and straight back, lower yourself to the floor. At the same time, slide your left foot up towards your shoulder. Extend the left foot back as you push yourself up, then repeat on the other side of the body.

Double Knee Tucks: From a push-up position, place one gliding disc under each foot. Keep your core tight as you move both feet in towards your chest at the same time. Contract the abs then slowly return your feet to the starting position.

Glute Bridges: Lie on your back and place one gliding disc underneath each foot. Contract your core as you slide both feet towards your butt. Push the hips up to keep the upper body completely straight. Squeeze the glutes and slowly extend the feet out to the starting position.

Twisting Mountain Climbers: From a push-up position, place one gliding disc under each foot. Keep the core tight and the hips stable as you move your left foot in towards your chest. Instead of moving straight like with a normal mountain climber, twist your left leg so that the left knee goes toward the right shoulder. Squeeze the abs, slide the left foot back, and immediately bring the right foot up to the left side.

Pikes: From a push-up position, place one gliding disc under each foot. Keeping your legs completely straight, slide your feet in towards your chest. When your body makes an upside-down V shape, pause, contract the core, and slowly move your feet to the starting position.

Double Arm Extensions and Holds: Kneel on a comfortable surface like a mat or towel. Place each hand on top of a gliding disc. Keep the upper body completely straight and contract the core as you slide forward. Pause once your arms are completely extended in front of you then without bending your upper body, bring yourself back to the starting position.


What’s your favorite gliding disc exercise? Have a video of yourself crushing this workout? Tag us on Instagram so we can share it!