How To Use The Shred Belt To Maximize Weight Loss

shred belt weight loss results

The best way to achieve weight loss is to burn more calories than you consume each day. You can achieve this through a low-calorie diet and high intensity exercise, but if you want to push your weight loss results to the next level without sacrificing muscle, try a waist slimming belt.

A shred belt is a unique piece of fitness equipment that safely promotes a thermogenic or heat-focused environment in the area you wear it. Increasing the blood flow to a specific area of the body, usually the core, has been shown to promote fat oxidation or fat burning. Used in combination with diet and exercises, the shred belt can help you achieve your goals of weight loss and shredding. (1)

There’s more to the shred belt then putting it on and hoping for the best, let’s review how to use the shred belt to maximize weight loss.


As soon as you wake, you’ll want to put on the shred belt, and there are two important reasons for this:

First, studies show that fat burning is amplified when you’re in a fasted state. This is why many people perform high intensity exercise as soon as they wake up. (2)

Second, adipose or fatty tissue has been shown to receive poor blood flow. It’s through blood flow that fat is stored and transported to be used as energy. Studies confirm that those with more adipose tissue have a harder time burning fat because of poor blood flow. (1)

You can take advantage of your fasted state while increasing blood flow to the area with the most adipose tissue by using a shred belt. The shred belt has a thermogenic or fat-burning effect by safely increasing your internal temperature. Think of it like a sauna but concentrated to one area on your body such as your core.

If you are wearing the shred belt on your core, try to pair it with this proven exercise to shrink your waist.


One of the best times to wear the shred belt is during exercise. Remember: Blood flow is how stored fat is transported and used as energy. Since you’re about to engage in exercise, an activity with a high demand for energy, you’ll want to get the blood flowing in those trouble areas. In this way, more fat will be used as fuel instead of glucose or blood sugar.

Having a comprehensive and proven exercise program can dramatically increase positive fat-burning results. You’ll want to focus on high intensity interval training or HIIT. These workouts are based on bodyweight exercises, have short breaks, and are shown to dramatically accelerate fat burning. Here’s a sample HIIT workout you can use to get started: (3)

  •        Jump rope: 30 seconds
  •        Jump Squats: 15 repetitions
  •        Push-Ups: 10 repetitions
  •        Alternating Jumping Lunges: 15 repetitions
  •        Pull-Ups: 10 repetitions
  •        Plank: 60 seconds
  •        Burpees: 5

Consider performing this exercise in a fasted or glycogen-depleted state (no sugar in your blood) such as when you wake up or after strength training. This will increase the rate at which your body burns fat.


Maybe it’s your rest day, cardio day, or maybe you are new to fitness and you prefer something low impact like a walk or jog. Take this opportunity to put the shred belt on your core. Whether you take a brisk walk or you jog, you’ll be able to take advantage of this cardiovascular exercise to burn more fat.

If you really want to ramp up your fat burning, try doing some sprints during your jog. Sprints have been shown to dramatically accelerate fat burning, providing the same results in a few minutes as a traditional 30-minute light jog. Try this jogging and sprinting combination workout: (4)


  •        Brisk walk or light jog: 5 minutes
  •        Dynamic stretching: 5 minutes


  •        For every minute:
  •        Jog: 50 seconds
  •        Sprint: 10 seconds
  •        Complete 5 to 10 minutes

Do you want to spot reduce fat? Here’s how you can use spot reduction, according to science.


After you finish exercising, your body will have an oxygen deficit. It had to transport so much oxygen to the working muscles that there is now an imbalance in blood oxygen levels. The bigger the deficit, the harder your body must work to restore these levels. This is great news for you because do you know where your body gets the energy to restore oxygen levels? From stored body fat and excess calories.

Excess post-oxygen consumption or EPOC levels describe the thermogenic or fat-burning effect in your body as oxygen levels are restored. The more intense your workout, such as when using the HIIT workout from above, the harder your body will have to work to restore oxygen levels, and the more calories you’ll burn. (4)

While your body has elevated EPOC levels, grab your shred belt. Increasing the thermogenic effect, especially in your core, with the belt while EPOC levels are high can skyrocket results.


If so, what results have you seen so far? Do you want to know how to use a shred belt but you have questions? Let us know in the comments below!


  1. Stallknecht B, Dela F, Helge JW. Are blood flow and lipolysis in subcutaneous adipose tissue influenced by contractions in adjacent muscles in humans? Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Feb;292(2):E394-9. Epub 2006 Sep 19.
  2. Bachman JL, Deitrick RW, Hillman AR. Exercising in the Fasted State Reduced 24-Hour Energy Intake in Active Male Adults. J Nutr Metab. 2016;2016:1984198.
  3. Stephen H. Boutcher. High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise and Fat Loss. J Obes. 2011; 2011: 868305.

Published online 2010 Nov 24. doi:  [10.1155/2011/868305].

  1. Hazell TJ, Olver TD, Hamilton CD, Lemon P WR. Two minutes of sprint-interval exercise elicits 24-hr oxygen consumption similar to that of 30 min of continuous endurance exercise. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2012 Aug;22(4):276-83. Epub 2012 Jun 15.